Aug 02, 2021

August 2021 BlackBeltHelp's Monthly Product Updates

Welcome back to BlackBeltHelp’s monthly product updates!

In our quest to provide you the best-in-industry student engagement products and services, we are continuously innovating and upgrading our technology!  

Here’s a rundown of the updates and features that you can now take advantage of. All of this is carefully curated to further streamline the processes and help you get the most out of our products with ease.

Have a look!

Chatbot & Nudging 

Additional Fields for SMS Nudging: We expanded the field options in which custom fields can be imported into the contact list and the values entered in the fields can be leveraged within the SMS message.

Chatbot Send Message: We added a Send button for an end-user to in addition to having the press Enter option on keyboard to send a message to the bot.  

Chatbot Help: We have added a help button for users to click if they need help interacting with the bot. The help button points them to X. 

Chatbot Admin Timeout: If an admin user is timed out, we added the functionality where the user will be directed to login again.  

Simplify Advisor Desktop 

Saving Draft Tickets: We just made it easier for you to save a draft version of a ticket during the ticket creation process to come back to later.  

Creating contacts: When a contact is not found in the Simplify Agent Desktop, we updated the message displayed to assist with easier contact creation.  

Salesforce Integration: We have made it clearer to the agent for when a successful update is made to an existing ticket in Salesforce via the Simplify Agent Desktop.  

Simplify Admin Dashboard & Reporting 

Real-Time Dashboard: Our clients with dedicated teams can now view real-time performance such as: how many contacts are in queue, longest wait times, and a full summary of same data. To receive access to the dashboard, please contact your account team.  


User Settings in Admin Panel: We discovered the User Settings link was displaying a “Page Not Found” error and have corrected this.  

We are sure that these updates will prove to be beneficial and assist you meet your institution’s goals!