November 2021 BlackBeltHelp’s Monthly Product Updates
Welcome back to BlackBeltHelp’s monthly product updates!
In our quest to provide you with the best-in-industry student engagement products and services, we are continuously innovating and upgrading our technology! This has been another busy and exciting month of new client implementations along with our product enhancements.
Here is a rundown of the updates and features that you can now take advantage of. All of this is carefully curated to further streamline the processes and help you get the most out of our products with ease.
Have a look!
Simplify Advisor Desktop:
TeamDynamix Integration: We have completed and deployed TeamDynamix ticketing integration for one of our clients. This means our agents will create tickets directly within TeamDynamix using API integration while also reviewing and updating tickets existing in TeamDynamix all within our Simply Advisor Desktop. This will help to improve efficiency and accuracy of calls that come into support team.
Simplify Chatbot:
End Session: We have modified our icon from a power icon to an “X” to confirm more with universal web accessibility standards. End Session Ticket Creation: We have added the functionality for the chatbot to create a ticket once the “X” is selected. End Chat Survey: We have added a survey option for when a user selects to end the session by pressing the “X”. |
We are confident that these updates will prove to be beneficial and assist you meet your institution’s goals!